Alternate Voyager: Engineering

Before we get to the actual stories in our Alternate Voyager, we need to introduce the crew. One of the things we like about the original Voyager was that they kept a pretty consistent group of extras throughout the show, so it felt like there was a finite, real crew. In our Alternate Voyager we’re going to push that even further and do something the shows were never able to do, which is expand the “Lower Deck” crewmen into having a more substantial supporting role. First we tackle our version of the Engineering crew, which is much different than their original counterparts. The central idea for our Engineering is that they are comprised mostly of Maquis, which was part of the agreement when Janeway and Chakotay were dividing up roles on the ship. The Engineering team is a tight knit, rowdy, and familial group.

DS9 Season One Guide

You should watch all of Deep Space Nine, but if you don’t have the patience to sit through the unnecessary episodes (and perhaps you’ve heard how cool DS9 becomes), here is a list of the episodes to watch from season one:

Emissary: Parts 1 & 2 Rating: 4 – Watch
Past Prologue Rating: 3 – Watch 
A Man Alone Rating: 3 – Watch 
Babel Rating: 2 – Skippable
Captive Pursuit Rating: 3 – Watch 
Q-Less Rating: 2 – Skippable
Dax Rating: 2 – Skippable
The Passenger Rating: 1 – Skip
Move Along Home Rating: 1 – Skip
The Nagus Rating: 2 – Skippable
Vortex Rating: 2 – Skippable
Battle Lines Rating: 2 – Watch for continuity
The Storyteller Rating: 1 – Skip
Progress Rating: 1 – Skip
If Wishes Were Horses Rating: 1 – Skip
The Forsaken Rating: 2 – Skippable
Dramatis Personae Rating: 1 – Skip
Duet Rating: 4 – Watch
In the Hands of Prophets Rating: 2 – Watch for continuity

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