[DS9] Season One Rating Comparisons

We love looking at what other people have said about Star Trek, so we’ve compiled some of the ratings for season one of Deep Space Nine all in one place to compare. We took the ratings from a few different reviewers and calculated what their scores would be out of 100. Keep in mind that they originally didn’t rate the episodes with that exact scale, but we tried to accurately translate their rating. It’s also important to keep in mind that each reviewer may have different meanings behind their ratings. Continue reading

Alternate Voyager – The Bridge

This week in Alternate Voyager, we continue to breakdown what our version of the crew would be like. This entry focuses on the bridge crew. A major element of Alternate Voyager is how divided the Maquis and Federation officers are when the series begins. The bridge is mostly held by the Federation, and the attitudes and characterization of it’s members have a lot to do with the tenuous situation they’re forced into. Another notable difference is that the bridge crew basically serves only on the bridge. They don’t use shuttle pods or go on away missions unless there’s a special reason. They make the big decisions and manage the daily running of the ship. The exception is Tuvok and Ayala, whose responsibilities include commanding away missions.