[TOS] Season One Rating Comparisons

We love looking at what other people have said about Star Trek, so we’ve compiled some of the ratings for season one of The Original Series all in one place to compare. We took the ratings from a few different reviewers and calculated what their scores would be out of 100. Keep in mind that they originally didn’t rate the episodes with that exact scale, but we tried to accurately translate their rating. It’s also important to keep in mind that each reviewer may have different meanings behind their ratings. Continue reading

[ENT] Season One Rating Comparisons

We’ve compiled some of the ratings for season one of Enterprise all in one place to compare. We took the ratings from a few different reviewers and calculated what their scores would be out of 100. Keep in mind that they originally didn’t rate the episodes with that exact scale, but we tried to accurately translate their rating. It’s also important to keep in mind that each reviewer may have different meanings behind their ratings.


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[TNG] Season One Rating Comparisons

We love looking at what other people have said about Star Trek, so we’ve compiled some of the ratings for season one of The Next Generation all in one place to compare. We took the ratings from a few different reviewers and calculated what their scores would be out of 100. Keep in mind that they originally didn’t rate the episodes with that exact scale, but we tried to accurately translate their rating. It’s also important to keep in mind that each reviewer may have different meanings behind their ratings. Continue reading