Which Star Trek series had the best second season?
[ENT] The Xindi
[VOY] Basics, Part II
[DS9] The Search Part I
[ENT] Season Two Rating Comparisons
For the 2nd season of Enterprise we looked at the following reviewers: Jordan Hoffman, Jammer’s Reviews, and Kethinov.
After setting each reviewer’s scale to be out of 100, and averaging the scores, here are the top rated episodes:
1. Cogenitor: 87.5
2. Dead Stop: 78.75
3. (tie) The Breach, and Future Tense: 66.25
5. (4-way tie) Minefield, Judgment, First Flight, and The Expanse: 63.75
[TNG] Evolution
[TOS] Spock’s Brain
[VOY] Season Two Rating Comparisons
[DS9] Season Two Rating Comparisons
We’re once again looking at what other people have said about Star Trek, in this case season two of Deep Space Nine. We took the ratings from a few different reviewers and calculated what their scores would be out of 100. They originally didn’t rate the episodes with that exact scale, but we tried to accurately translate their rating.
The reviewers we’re looking at are Jordan Hoffman, who writes for StarTrek.com, Jamahl Epsicokhan who runs Jammer’s Reviews, Kethinov, and Treknobabble. Treknobabble’s scores are a combined rating from two reviewers, so keep in mind their scale is slightly different.
The episode that seemed to bore everyone was Second Sight, which ended up with the low score of 34.5.
Here are the top 5 rated episode:
1. Blood Oath – 85.5
2. Necessary Evil – 82
3. (tie) The Maquis Part II and The Wire – 81.5
5. The Jem’Hadar – 79.5
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