[SNW] Season 2, Episode 10: Hegemony

Rating: 3
The Gorn have returned for the season two finale! This time it concerns an invasion of a TOS style Smalltown Americana colony where the girl characters that the boy characters are in love with are endangered (AKA Batel and Chapel). We learn a little more about The Gorn, including a potentially interesting relationship they might instinctively have with stars and light. They still aren’t terribly interesting as an adversary, remaining more of a force of nature that doesn’t have a ton of thematic resonance. Pure threat, basically. Still, the episode is paced out well and the stakes are high. We even get a cliffhanger!!
The Gorn messing up the good guys isn’t quite enough for a season finale, though, even with the cliffhanger. To heighten fan excitement we are introduced to SNW’s version of Scotty. It feels pretty cynical to just keep dropping in characters we know whenever it’s time to juice the base, but also Martin Quinn is immediately endearing and I want to see more of him so. mission accomplished ya jerks.
Read more at Memory Alpha

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