[SNW] Charades

[SNW] Season 2, Episode 5: Charades

Rating: 3

Like Spock Amok, the season one episode that focused on Spock, Charades is heavy on hijinks. Also like Spock Amok, it’s fairly charming and character driven. Chapel’s longing for Spock has offered some of the best moments of the series so far, so it’s nice to see that culminate in a satisfying way. We’ve got Spock body swapping with his girlfriend, and now Spock turned into a human. I’m looking forward to season three when Spock’s mind is transferred into his pet sehlat but he still has to score the winning goal in the big game.

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Chapel and M’Benga fist bump
Spock wakes up as a human. Humans curse
He was “fixed” by some kind of alien version of Monk, and it had to make Spock match the same species as Chapel.
Only the Vulcan half of Spock was vegetarian.
Spock gives laughing a try and does not succeed.
Spock’s mom
Apparently not only did Spock cease to be a Vulcan, but he lost all memory of what they’re even like. The others have to teach him.
Vulcans are actually really easy to offend. Who knew.
Chapel has to tell the alien that Spock is a little more than a friend or else it won’t help. This seems like a perfectly natural plot point.
True love?

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