SNW] Season 2, Episode 3: Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow

Rating: 3
A lot of the plot of this one makes almost zero sense, and it weirdly is like a condensed version of season 2 of Picard, down to consulting a long-lived friend years before they officially meet. A lot of that plot is in support of hijinks, which is charming about half the time and falls flat in the other half. There is also a romance between La’an and this alternate Kirk, and it mostly works. What the episode really excels at is La’an’s arc. She’s always felt isolated from other people, and perhaps even more so recently as she’s been reassessing her feelings about her heritage and her personal history. This works well as background for her finally really connecting with someone – this alternate universe Kirk. The chemistry could’ve been a little better, but it’s good enough that when La’an is finally opening up some more, feeling comfortable, even a little happy, it resonates. The final scene is the clincher. She loses the one person that let her feel free from her past and even herself. When she contacts her universe’s Kirk it’s clear he just isn’t the same person, and that she won’t likely feel that freedom again. It’s pretty devastating.
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