Strange New Worlds is back!!! It feels a little weird to be doing a “Star-Trek-movie-where-the-crew-steals-the-Enterprise” episode right after Picard. How many times has this dang ship been stolen, Star Trek, let’s do a different thing now. However, long time readers know that I’m a fool for a lower ranking officer taking command of the ship for a story, and it is fun to see Spock navigate that role while Pike is off setting up the next episode.
I also like the new engineer, even if they hit some of the exposition about her character a little too directly. She seems promising, and it’s about time they got a lady back onboard the Enterprise that’s older. (Long time readers will also know I am a Pulaski apologist.)
Aside from some bad attempts at humor and a dumb Bourne style fight scene – another thing they just did in Picard – This episode is tightly structured and an overall good time.
We get an origin story for Spock’s lute.There’s the speech where not everyone has to come because they’re going to break the rules, but then Spock offers them double overtime pay so they come.The new engineer, Pelia, immediately sees through their plan, but she’s cool with it.Uhura recognizes her accent as Lanthanite, a species we haven’t seen before. It’s a relief because during these scenes I was like “what accent is Carol Kane attempting here”The P+ era of Star Trek has officially fetishized commander’s having a catch phrase and I do not approveIf you think 4 year terms are too long, the authority on this planet rotates between Klingon and Human every 30 days.Always remember to bring any random device that has a red light on it. People will think it’s a bomb 100% of the time.M’Benga and Chapel find the secret of the ooze.It makes it so they can beat everyone up! I hope this isn’t establishing some kind of character arc about getting addicted to the ooze or something that’s gonna make me tired.There’s almost a war or somethingThis episode is mainly about the importance of drinking contests in Klingon culture.Spock says Lanthanites were able to completely blend in on Earth (minus the accent, they could never figure that out) until the 22nd century.I would have liked if Spock appealed to April’s own experience commanding the Enterprise while justifying his actions. Surely April got up to some disobedience during his tenure. I can’t imagine he stole the Enterprise any less than three times. Make it easier for these poor folks writing SNW tie-in novels.In the end Spock learns the most sacred lesson in all of Star Trek – trusting your gut – and he will never be confused by anyone trusting their gut again.Probable Object Identification Gorn Attack Ship!