Man the plots of these things can be real disasters. They’re trying to activate Data – but it’s basically some scenes of lights blinking and Geordi saying the same thing about how Lore could take over, nothing really new from the last episode. They’re trying to rescue Riker and Troi – but also they don’t seem even slightly concerned about doing that? They let Vadic onboard for some very muddy reasons. That non-plan predictably goes south, and Vadic gives a lot of 100% content free villain speeches. Also Worf and Raffi left I guess don’t worry about it.
Tuvok! Another one of my favorite characters and he might still be alive for a few more minutes!They do another thing where the characters exchange personal information to insure they aren’t changelings, and then just in case they do it again. I guess this is the main idea they had for changeling scenes. It’s all mostly nonsense, but I’m at least glad that it means Seven and Tuvok stayed friends.They tell us that the episode will end when Data overcomes an inner battle with Lore, but don’t worry that’s not a thing they’re too concerned about actually doing anytime soon.When trying to figure out the inner struggle, Geordi says that this new android is too sophisticated, and “infinitely more complex than Data,” but it also just kind of looks like Lore is some red dots and Data is blue dotsThere is some hand-touching and possibly mind reading going on hereJack says that he’s tired of being at a disadvantage, and it occurs to Picard to just be at an advantage instead. This sounds like its gonna be a great plan.They let Vadic on board, so far everything is going well. hey remember Riker and Troi. remember how this is supposed to be some kind of rescue mission or something.Jack and Sidney need to bait them to certain parts of the hallways, the parts that have shields, placed far enough away for a dramatic chase sequence.It leads them into another potential hand-touching situationThey send in the most intimidating person to interrogate Vadic.Vadic says “solids” ruin every world they touch. Picard, who is masterful at argumentation, replies with “name one.”Vadic reveals she was tortured as a prisoner. Yeah but “torture” could just mean she was sloshed around a bit. Sorry people aren’t well versed on the ethical treatment of goopMeanwhile Geordi says “come on, man” to Lore until he turns into DataPicard and Beverly don’t see any use for Vadic anymore so they plan on EXECUTING herBut Vadic doesn’t seem to be bothered about getting shotJack takes over Sidney’s body or something I guess I have to come to terms with the fact thathis condition might not just be the Picard disease. Data’s backVadic takes over the bridge. She’s like “Now its time to find out what Jack really is!!” the show is actin’ like this secret is a real good one, what do you think are the odds of that actually being the caseData is actually not so there, its more a Lore situation and he messed up the ship because he’s a Villain.