We’re getting a better perspective on what the overall plot of the season is now, and a few of the general directions aren’t bad. Changelings infiltrating starfleet to a degree they were never able to during the Dominion war isn’t bad, and the circuitous route the show has taken to get here is interesting. It’s doubtful anything worthwhile will come of the Jack thread, and the Worf/Raffi B plot is blatant wheel spinning, but it could be worse. And of course the heart of this episode – Ro and Picard hashing out their past – is something that is a great idea to explore. The weaknesses of the show persist, however, and its tough to enjoy the broad strokes when the individual scenes are so poorly put together. The writing alternates between nonsensical, ludicrously direct, and sometimes just plain annoying. Most of the critical Ro scenes gesture toward the right ideas, but the dialogue and flow of the scene is so inhuman (while also being hyper emotional) that all we can really do is squint as hard as possible and imagine how they could get to the same destination in a dramatic and emotionally engaging way.
Shaw is pumped about Riker, Seven and Picard getting in trouble. I think he may actually be 8 years old.He also proves he is a huge TNG nerd and has memorized every episode/movie.Then Ro shows up?!! I now only care about stories about Ro commanding the Intrepid. Forget all this other stuff.We don’t get a lot of time with Ro and a lot of it is wasted on this game about whether or not she’s a changeling where Picard is being what can only be described as a “little bitch”But then they look at each with the look of a person who isn’t a changelingMeanwhile there is a gangster Vulcan version of Flavor Flav and instead of a giant watch necklace he has a giant IDIC necklace but they didn’t go far enough it should have been biggerRaffi definitely kills Worf like there’s no doubt he’s 100% dead forever –– hey they got us again!!Changelings turn on Ro!Michelle Forbes manages to get a moment of quality past the show runners before they kill her off.well goodbye one of my favorite characters But then Jack is like Bourne Identity or something or maybe Bourne Ultimatum Before Ro left she gave Picard her earring, which had her whole investigation.Worf calls her earring (to be continued)