Rating: – (we’ll refrain from ratings since the show is so serialized)
We’re gonna cover this last season of Picard! We’ve been avoiding breakdowns of the more serialized shows as they air, but we couldn’t resist getting in on the conversation when the TNG crew is giving it one last go.
This episode does a pretty hard reset on the series – most of the supporting characters are gone, making room for the TNG crew to filter in. The past seasons have had a bit of a movie feel to them, and this season doubles down on that. The original series movies are the main point of reference, sometimes in very explicit ways. That can be fun, like when the Titan departs, but it can also be perplexing – the TNG characters are pretty different from the TOS ones, and the types of stories are generally very different as well. It’s the same thing that happened with the TNG movies, and one of the reasons those were mostly bad. So that’s not the best sign, but not really surprising.
As for the TNG characters we are here to see, so far we don’t get a ton of Beverly, but Riker is with us most of the way, and him and Picard working together is great. We have fairly modest expectations for this last season, but its nice that it it’ll be mostly set on a Federation starship, something we didn’t really get in the previous season. It also doesn’t seem quite so mystery driven? The last two seasons were very messy with that stuff so here’s hoping they’ll keep it simple this time through.
Beverly gets a cool Kirk jacket.Wild to open the season with a game of hide and seek. New phaser rifles have a bonus feature of being able to cock, like an old-timey shotgun, just in case you want to look cool.Quit with the flute already. We’ve been milked dry.Picard gets a message on his Enterprise D comm badge. When I get a new phone I transfer to keep my same number.Laris is cool, looking forward to her one other scene at the very end of the series.Riker mentions that Deanna could use time away from him. The writers really know drama – a thing is bad! then it will get good later! why and how do not matter.No one wants to buy the Enterprise-D model – “the fat one.” Are the TNG crew and their ship beloved legends or despised losers? The answer doesn’t have anything to do a coherent idea of how they are perceived in the world, but it does depend entirely on if we’re in a part where the writers want us to feel bad, or if we’re in a part where they want us to feel warm and fuzzy. This is Guinan’s bar! Named 10-Forward!! And nobody here likes the Enterprise? At least I know my Eaglemoss collection makes it to the 25th century. Somehow all the fun characters died or something and now its just Raffi New Titan LARPing Star Trek 3, I’m for it.Seven is the first officer, I’m for that too!!And there’s a lil La Forge.I don’t need the mean captain to be subtle, but his hatred of Picard (and Riker) is based on this idea that they’re both rogue bad boys that never follow the rules? ? Y’know, classic Picard.“How am I supposed to just ignore my gut, ignore my instinct, and follow orders?” – I get that characters will change over 20+ years, but isn’t it a little weird that they all change into some aspect of Kirk.Raffi watches a building deflate.Some guy says he’s Beverly’s son but he’s not Wesley. At least he definitely won’t be Picard’s son, that would be exhausting!!What’s the verdict on this ship do you think it’s a good guy ship or a bad guy shipThe end credits are cool, they play that music we know and we get to look at computer screens.