[SNW] All Those Who Wander

[SNW] Season 1, Episode 9: All Those Who Wander

Rating: 2

We find more out about The Gorn, but it’s basically just that they are xenomorphs when they’re babies. We’re not against Trek kinda adapting other sci-fi stories into the Trek world, but this is pretty weak on a basic experiential level, and that’s aside from it not adding anything especially interesting to what we know about The Gorn. Even worse, All Those Who Wander makes some big and very abrupt changes to the status quo. You can sometimes get away with that if it’s a welcome change, but we think there is still a lot more to explore with a certain character which now seems to be off the board.

Read more at Memory Alpha


Cadet Chia is going to leave??? Uhura too but yeah right
The crew finds some blood! That’s the thing that the gorn like!
There’s a bonus alien.
But then some lil slimies come out of him.
Hemmer gets oozed and people don’t seem that worried about it. uh oh. This means he’ll just turn into a super Hemmer, right? Right??
Hemmer doesn’t feel so good.
Uhura looks at a chair.

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