[DS9] Looking for par’Mach in All the Wrong Places

[DS9] Season 5, Episode 3: Looking for par’Mach in All the Wrong Places

Rating: 3

This episode has some very sitcom-style hijinks, but the characters make it work, and it all leads naturally to some interpersonal development that has a big impact on Deep Space Nine moving forward. That’s something that’s pretty tricky to pull off well, something Star Trek can have trouble with, so it’s cool to see it land here.

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One of Bashir’s hobbies is listening to the O’Briens fight.
Grilka comes back!
Her house is in financial trouble. I like when Quark is used in this way.
In an extremely Worf move, he immediately falls in love with her. The expression of this love is showing how far he can throw Morn.
Her old-guy-companion says to let it go, its not a good match and she could never date someone from a gross house.
So anyway Quark pursues her instead. They’re a much better match.
Also we should mention there’s a B plot about O’Brien giving good massages.
Worf and Dax help Quark out.
Which leads to true love.
And more true love.
The massage sub plot does not lead to Kira falling on top of O’Brien, and so there is no true love.
In the end Jadzia puts her eyebrow on way too high and also they might have to get married or something idk

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