This is one of those “A Telepath Comes To Town” episodes of TNG, which are pretty uniformly terrible, but manages to avoid the usual pitfalls. (Mostly, a horrible romance plot) It all feels very familiar for most of the run time, so it doesn’t get very high marks, BUT it does actually hit some real emotional notes once Troi goes into her mother’s … dreams? Another dream episode. This one is sadder tho.
Lwaxana is on board helping out some telepaths who are learning how to speak with their mouths. Deanna wears one of her favorite gradients.Despite this guy’s expressions, he’s actually not another creepy love interest for Troi.Although Lwaxana still tries to set them up.The direction for this scene was “try to look like a bass fish”Btw there’s a small Kirsten Dunst.Lwaxana goes to sleep.Telepathy must also enter through your ears?Deanna pokes around in Lwaxana’s mind.Deanna sees her deceased father who tries to distract her with song. Aside from his collar looking like he wore too big of an undershirt, I really like this scene. Marina Sirtis sells it.This episode gets legit sad, everyone. Watch out.Deanna had an older sister named Kestra, later referenced in the Picard series.