[TNG] Season 7, Episode 3: Interface

Rating: 2
It’s tricky when a story involves a character acting in a way we as an audience don’t want them to act. On paper, of course, we can all understand why someone wouldn’t be able to accept a loved one’s death if there’s some possibility (even a tiny possibility) that the loved one is still alive. The difficulty is making that sensation dramatically tangible, especially since its a familiar trope. But “Interface” deals with such heavy and well-trod subjects almost exclusively in TV shorthand. There are only a few major scenes where the subject of grief and denial are dealt with head on. Geordi himself and what he is experiencing isn’t enough of a focus – there’s a sci-fi procedural hurtle that always needs jumping over. The only scene that works is the one where Data lets Geordi talk through it a bit, and there’s both a welcome drop of specificity along with some nuance.
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