Lessons is one of those episodes where there are zero surprises. The plot plays out exactly as expected, and that means there are some moments that fall a little flat because the conclusion is inevitable. However, more often, each scene is well executed, bringing a lot of life and believability to this one-off romance, which is a near impossible thing to accomplish. It doesn’t hurt that this is one of Stewart’s most subtle and probably best performances of the series.
Picard can’t make a tea, and can’t look at the computer library because it interferes with a project in stellar cartography. Power/interference on a space ship is weird.It was all for this lite-brite thing? Picard meets the new head of stellar sciences and he ruins all their work.She suggests a tea that Picard might like more than Earl Grey. These two are really kicking it off!But she plays piano!During the 2nd arpeggio of the first movement, she played an F minor chord instead of a diminished D. What a nut! This really impresses Picard.Why didn’t you think of playing an F minor, BEVERLY.Honestly, the episode is worth watching just for the moment when she asks Picard about his flute, saying she’s never seen anything like it. After a perfectly timed pause he says “they don’t make it anymore.” 😭 And then they jam where there’s more resonance. I like the bit where Geordi hears the music in engineering and then is like, “huh, it stopped. I wonder why?” ………..“Resonance”But their relationship makes Riker slightly uncomfortable.So Picard sends her to die on an away mission.But then she lives somehow.This is why relationships on the job don’t work out.