[TNG] Man of the People

[TNG] Season 6, Episode 3: Man of the People

Rating: 1

Another diplomat episode… TNG got real lazy with using the diplomat thing as a way to artificially juice up stakes. Combined with Troi being taken advantage of yet again and you got yourself a big NO THANKS.

Read more at Memory Alpha


A diplomat beams aboard with his mom.
The mother is real weird and has no reaction to being called his mother, so she’s definitely his mother, right?
Worf is teaching his cool tai chi (?) class.
Troi and the diplomat throw their sweaty sparkly towels on some bench for someone else to clean up. This guy is bad news and a bad influence on Troi and they will NOT date on MY enterprise!
His “mother” finally dies.
but he shows Troi his cool rocks.
Troi is put under some kind of a horny spell.
It’s described as Troi taking on all his negative emotions like “cleavage” and “sweaty”
Troi scratches Riker! He thinks something might be different about her but idk, probably nothing to worry about.
Things escalate
So Picard chews him out!
But he says he can’t perform the negotiations with all those negative feelings, man.
Crusher suggests just killing Troi. Standard victim blaming. Not cool, Beverly.
They kill Troi, and the diplomat quickly finds a new girl to show his rocks to.
he’s all like “😱
When these aliens die, they put their hands like this.
And Troi is back to normal, and also back to alive.

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