This is a fun Barclay episode that manages to *just* keep the momentum up and features enough entertaining character work to make the standard TNG plot breeze by.
You may find this shocking, but Barclay is afraid of transporting.O’Brien tries to make Barclay feel better by telling him about his own fear of spiders, but we can tell O’Brien thinks Barclay is lame.There was some interference while transporting and Barclay sees a sock puppet. He also gets a case of the ‘ol glow arm.Barclay is stressin!They try to recreate the conditions of the transport, but Data makes this face.Barclay goes in to see the sock puppets again, and he grabs one! He ain’t afraid a no ghost!It was the lost crew of the ship they were investigating!Then O’Brien shows Barclay his spider. Yeah, alright O’Brien, cool we get it you aren’t afraid of anything.