[TNG] The Game

[TNG] Season 5, Episode 6: The Game

Rating: 3

Ok this *might* not actually be that good of an episode but it freaked us out as kids and still kinda does, deal with it.

There is something very effectively unsettling about our lovable crew acting almost like themselves except that they are obsessed with the game now. It’s just close enough to their normal behavior that it’s much creepier than if they acted possessed or more classically mind-controlled.

Read more at Memory Alpha


uh oh Riker is on Risa
huh there’s just a shower curtain rod in this room
Ashley Judd
Please do not watch this very upsetting Troi + chocolate scene.
oh good wesley’s back
Ashley Judd has, like, “quirky” “laws” she follows and recites to strangers 🙁
Crusher, Troi and Riker take out Data! This game thing might become a problem
Wesley and Ashley Judd go on a date. They’re the only ones that haven’t been sucked into the game.
They figure out that its addictive and messes with peoples ability to reason.
Wesley immediately goes to Picard to let him know, and Picard says he’ll look into it. But it turns out he meant LOOK INTO IT, get it! Like he looks into the mind control game.
They remember that Data always saves everyone in episodes like this, so they try to fix him
Not a cell phone in sight. Just people living in the moment.
That Risa lady changed outfits.
The crew goes on the hunt for Wesley. He’s the only one that hasn’t played the game. They even got Ashley Judd.
They capture Wesley too!
they shoulda played a bit of the ol’ Ludwig Van.
WARNING: This android produces stroboscopic effects.
And then everyone is ok!

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