[TNG] Redemption, Part I

[TNG] Season 4, Episode 26: Redemption, Part 1


Rating:  3

Sometimes Trek two-parters can feel a bit like one story stretched across two episodes, but both parts of Redemption are pretty discreet. We’re always up for some Klingon High Council Intrigue, and this episode resolves some long-gestating narrative threads in Worf’s ongoing story in a pretty satisfying way. Ultimately this is a pretty functional episode, but it goes down smooth.

Read more at Memory Alpha


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Gowron bugs his eyes out a little extra to tell the crew of the Enterprise that they must help to prevent a Klingon civil war.

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Gowron is also a bit of a leaner.

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Worf blows off steam with a holodeck program that was meant for Spot.

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I like how in Klingon culture being the older brother makes you, like, the king.

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I guess standing with your hands on your hips like a dork is a Duras trait.

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the *other* Duras trait.

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I like this conversation between Picard and Worf, and the turn it takes midway. First Picard is chewing out Worf for using Federation resources to change the political situation in another culture, but then Picard is like, “oh yea, I’m all tangled up in this conflict of interest too – uh, let’s try to keep our roles separate?”

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“You have manipulated the circumstances with the skill of a Romulan.” Oooooooh Picard’s got your number, Duras sisters!


Some Klingons don’t much like Picard naming Gowron as the next leader.


Worf offers Gowron some help if he restores honor to his House.


They attack Gowron’s ship!


Kurn shows up to defend Gowron!


Gowron becomes the leader AKA the ultimate older brother.


And Worf’s family honor is restored.


Starfleet won’t help fight against the Duras forces, because its an internal Klingon affair. Worf resigns from starfleet to help Gowron!


Bye forever, Worf


Yar in a Romulan uniform!?? “You should not discount Jean Luc Picard. He is human, and humans have a way of showing up when you least expect them.” lol

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