[TNG] Season 4, Episode 25: In Theory
Rating: 3
This episode works a lot better than it probably should. On paper, “Data tries dating” is a no-go for me, but there are some genuinely funny moments, and “In Theory” ends up being one of the better takes on the limitations of Data’s programming. It’d probably be a 4 if it weren’t for the useless subplot. Still, a fun and surprisingly insightful episode, with a great last scene.
Read more at Memory Alpha
Data plays oboe? I mean… sure why not?
After the concert he goes out with a friend and the O’Briens.
Data notices what we notice.
Data gives winking a shot.
For the subplot, Crusher’s hypospray falls on the floor.
Then in the torpedo bay things get really serious!
Data asks Guinan, the real counselor on Enterprise, if he should pursue a relationship. She says to just figure it out himself.
He asks Geordi if it might be weird to be in a relationship with a computer program. Geordi’s not the person to ask, man.
So he asks Troi. She says it’s pretty weird, so be careful.
Worf’s advice: You better not hurt her, she’s under my command.
But then he talks to Riker…
So he goes for it, creating a subroutine for their relationship and everything.
(it’s weird)
Meanwhile, stuff that was on top of Picard’s desk is now underneath it.
Data goes through the motions of a relationship.
He even tries out a fight because he heard that’s what people do.
The stakes on the Things-On-The-Floor subplot just ramped way up.
There’s a plan involving Picard in a shuttle and dodging shapes.
The shapes hurt I guess, but they make it out.
And then the lady ends the relationship with Data and Data is like, “k, I’ll delete that subroutine, have a nice day.”
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