[TNG] Season 4, Episode 24: The Mind’s Eye
Rating: 3
This is one of the stronger Geordi focused episodes. We’re suckers for Romulan plots though, so maybe we aren’t the best judges. The episode gets a little lost in kind of standard plot escalation, but there are still some nice turns, and it’s fun to see the crew figure out what’s happening.
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Geordi’s nerdy vacation is intercepted!

Meanwhile, Klingons are accusing the Federation of supplying a resistance movement. Also, this Klingon directed Charlie X!!

The Romulans captured Geordi! And they make him see things!

They start controlling his mind, and make him go through simulations. He kills simulation O’Brien!

Picard faces off against the accusers.

Geordi returns to Enterprise and dumps his drink on O’Brien! Romulans must think that’s hilarious.

Geordi uncovers the Romulan scheme to make it appear that the Federation were giving supplies to rebels to cause unrest with the Klingons.

But then Geordi beams down some more weapons.

The Klingons intercept the transport.

Now they’re mad.

We find the guy feeding orders to Geordi on behalf of the Romulans is….. A KLINGON!!!!!

But then Data figures everything out.

And they stop an assassination attempt. The end, have fun with your recovery from traumatic kidnapping and brain washing Geordi byeeee!
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