[DS9] Season 4, Episode 23: To The Death
Rating: 3
“To The Death” does a good job of adding some textures to our understanding of the Dominion and it’s various moving parts, delivered via a solid enough heist story. If the beef the Jem’Hadar group had with Weyoun made a little more sense, and if the arc of the two enemy crews earning each other’s respect was a bit more effective, it’d be a much stronger episode.
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Weyoun says a group of Jem’Hadar found an Iconian portal! Worf reminds us that Iconian tech really freaked him out when he came across it in TNG.

But they don’t really get along. I like the rivalry between the Jem’Hadar and Klingons (in this case, specifically Worf).

The Jem’Hadar guy doesn’t understand why Sisko is such a nice guy and not all super-suicidal-soldier-ish. I don’t totally understand why Sisko risks his life for this guy either? Unless it’s just a smart team building move.

After the mission the Jem’Hadar shoot Weyoun! Then they stick around to kill some more traitors. Ok!
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