[VOY] Season 4, Episode 20: Vis a Vis
Rating: 2
The body hopping idea is a pretty good one, and the episode does a fine enough job with it, but it does feel like a bit of a missed opportunity. It’s a little annoying that they once again dangle some super fast space travel in front of Voyager. Is everybody flying around way faster than the Federation??
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Every now and then he turns into a different person, but he still seems pretty cool. I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about.

Well, we know the alien probably didn’t take over Janeway’s body, because she bothers to make a captain’s log after the break.

Wait, Paris outfitted a shuttle with the super-fast-folding-space warp drive, just like that? I wonder if that would ever come in handy for Voyager?

then every important character gets their body back. Sorry lady who lost her body before the episode, you don’t matter.
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