[DS9] Season 4, Episode 21: The Muse
Rating: 2
The previous appearances of Lwaxana on DS9 have been better than you’d expect, but this is starting to get a little old. I still like the relationship between her and Odo, but getting them all together feels forced in The Muse.
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Lwaxana shows up and is pregnant. She’s hiding from her husband, who wants the child to be raised with men.

According to his culture’s goofy rules, if Lwaxana marries Odo, then she can keep the child. It’s almost like the DS9 writers made that rule up just to annoy Odo…

But in order for it to be legit, Odo has to convince everyone, including the husband, that it’s the real deal.

Meanwhile, Jake gets nose bleeds! Probably doesn’t have anything to do with this new creep he’s hanging around with.
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