[TAS] Season 2, Episode 1: The Pirates of Orion
Rating: WATCH (For The Animated Series we use a simpler WATCH or Skip rating)
This one’s pretty good! It’s a pretty straightforward action oriented plot, but it works with the short run time pretty well. Plus it kind of has Orions in it, maybe.
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They have to rendezvous with another ship to get the drugs Spock needs to live. When they meet they discover the ship has been robbed!

They track down the pirate ship to an explosive asteroid belt. There’s some cool painting in this part.

They find out it was Orions. Wait these are Orions? Why do they look like that? They pronounce it differently in this episode too. Kirk says “look jus gimme the drugs. I won’t tell anyone and I’ll pay you.”

The Orions don’t trust that Kirk won’t tell on them so this guy schemes to blow them both up. He seems very apathetic about it all though.

Their leader meets with Kirk and brings an explosive on his back to blow up the asteroid. They make intense, romantic eye contact.
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