[ENT] Divergence

[ENT] Season 4, Episode 16: Divergencedivergence

Rating: 3

Divergence draws the Klingon arc to a satisfying conclusion. As with the entirety of this story, it’s entertaining, fills in some historical Trek information, and nudges the characters forward a bit, without leaning too much into greater themes or character work that can elevate a Trek story.

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There's a problem on Enterprise that only Trip can solve, so he has to shimmy over

There’s a problem on Enterprise that only Trip can solve, so he has to shimmy over.

He has to reset a thing! And he's running out of time! he did it though, don't worry

He has to reset a thing! And he’s running out of time! he did it though, don’t worry.

This Klingon guy provides more insights into the changing Klingon culture

This Klingon guy provides more insights into the changing Klingon culture.

We're introduced to a new Klingon villain. He has a sharp tooth

We’re introduced to a new Klingon villain. He should’ve been in the show more, I kind of like him.

Reed decides his loyalties lie with Archer and not section 31

Reed finally decides his loyalties lie with Archer and not section 31.

They're working with the Klingons

Section 31 is working with the Klingons!

Archer finds Phlox. He almost has the cure, but the Klingon commander wants to wipe them all out

Archer finds Phlox. He almost has the cure, but the Klingon commander wants to wipe them all out.

He has a sharp tooth

He has a sharp tooth. His name is Sharp Tooth probably.


Battle time!

Archer has to be injected with a Klingon thing because it helps in some way

Archer has to be injected with a Klingon thing because it helps in some way. Testing it out or something. You get it.

Phlox beams over some virus to the attacking Klingons so they become a little more interested in finding the cure

Phlox beams over some virus to the attacking Klingons so they become a little more interested in finding the cure.

This whole was meant to explain the look of Klingons in TOS. It makes about as much sense as it possibly could have. I'm actually impressed

This whole thing was meant to explain the look of Klingons in TOS. It makes about as much sense as it possibly could have. I’m actually impressed?

Archer gets some temporary baby-ridges on his forehead

Archer gets some temporary baby-ridges on his forehead, so it’s a happy ending.

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