Rating: 2
“Hunters” is a nice follow up to the previous episode. Understandably, it’s a character-focused installment, mostly concerning how the crew handles their first batch of personal letters and news from home. The episode handles the whole subject well enough, but doesn’t take full advantage of the emotional potential the subject provides. The closest “Hunters” gets is when Janeway realizes a garbled, seemingly nonsensical stream of information is actually the letters from the crew’s loved ones.
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They slowly are able to receive letters from home. Neelix passes them out to the crew as they get ’em.

Chakotay discovers that the Maquis have been wiped out, and that he could’ve been watching DS9 this whole time.

Janeway gets a letter from her fiancee. He moved on and married someone who was a lot less in the delta quadrant.
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