[TAS] Season 1, Episode 15: The Jihad
Rating: WATCH (For The Animated Series we use a simpler WATCH or Skip rating)
Hey there’s a bunch of strange aliens and Kirk wears a space backpack! What else do you need? Nothing? Good, because there isn’t much else.
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A group a specialists are assembled to track down a stolen artifact that will start a war. Spock was chosen for his analytic mind, and Kirk because he’s the main character.

They get debriefed by this weird cat with poor posture. There are a lot of different cat aliens in the animated series.

This lady keeps hitting on Kirk. I don’t quite understand her character. She says she’s a human, but clearly has a culture that is very different. She was selected for her sense of direction, but they treat it like it’s a super power. She knows where to go on a planet she’s never been to before, in search of something she’s never seen before

They get attacked by the same purple things that we’ve seen on two other planets. They take the bird guy away

Then the good guys win. Why is the bird guy standing there with them? Because this is TAS and they reuse shots.
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