Rating: 4
The pleasures of “Message In A Bottle” might be simple, but there are a lot of them. If it was just the Doctor and Andy Dick being silly it would be entertaining enough, and The Doctor having to take back a ship being run by enemies would be cool, but then throwing in that the ship is a prototype Federation ship, and the bad guys are Romulans makes this episode a 4. Plus it establishes Voyager’s contact with the Federation, which begins a significant and lasting shift in the status quo of the series.
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They try to send a message to a Federation ship they can see at the edge of the alien system’s view, but it doesn’t work.

This guy was on the verge of death right up until the Doctor came, and he managed to tell him about the Romulans that took over the ship, and then he died

For an irrelevant sub-plot, Paris takes over for the Doctor on Voyager and he doesn’t really like it

They have to fight off some Romulans and return the ship to the Federation. I wasn’t a huge fan of these scenes. A lot of hitting the right buttons on accident kind of stuff

The EMH makes it back to Voyager and he relayed the message that Voyager is still out in the Delta Quadrant, and not a bunch of dead people.
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