[TAS] The Magicks of Megas-Tu

[TAS] Season 1, Episode 8: The Magicks of Megas-Tuthe magicks

Rating: SKIP (For The Animated Series we use a simpler Watch or Skip rating) 

Enterprise travels to the center of the universe, where magic is possible, obviously, and naturally finds the victims of the Salem witch trials, and also the devil. What? Skip. Or… I don’t know, it’s totally crazy. You’ll probably watch it after you read the following.

Read more at Memory Alpha


They go to the "creation point," the center of the universe where matter is still being created. Seems like they just added in every effect they knew how to draw on the screen

They go to the “creation point,” the center of the universe where matter is still being created. Seems like they just added in every effect they knew how to draw on the screen.

They go warp 10 and in knocks everyone over

They inadvertently go warp 10 and it knocks everyone over. Of course, from our knowledge of Voyager, they’ll also all turn into salamanders.

They start to lose their life support, but then a guy named Lucien shows up and saves them

They start to lose their life support, but then a guy named Lucien shows up and saves them. Seems like a normal name for a normal dude.

I get the 70s cartoons reuse animations all the time, but I think I've seen this guy do this pose 5 times already, sometimes when it isn't appropriate at all. And behind him they wanted some glowing effect, and they reused a glowing animation they would later use for the Enterprise, as you can tell by the shape of the Enterprise behind him

I get that 70s cartoons reuse animations all the time, but I think I’ve seen Lucien do this pose 5 times already, sometimes when it isn’t appropriate at all. Hilariously, for a glowing effect they wanted, the animators just reused a glow from around the ship, as you can tell by the very obvious shape of the Enterprise behind Lucien. And that’s all before the discussion that should be had about the animator’s idea of what muscles look like on a human with skin.

He takes away Kirk, Bones, and Spock

He takes away Kirk, Bones, and Spock

They go to his wacky home with wizards and stuff

They go to his wacky home with wizards and stuff. It’s a different dimension where normal physical laws don’t apply.

He talks about how his people went to earth for a time

He talks about how his people went to earth for a time.

When they get back to the ship, Spock tries out some magic, since it's possible in this universe

When they get back to the ship, Spock tries out some magic, since it’s possible in this universe.

Sulu creates a lady

Sulu creates the ideal lady in ideal clothes.

Then other things show up. They're mad

Then other things show up. And they’re mad!

They're all captured. Arex doesn't seemed that bummed actually

They’re all captured

This guy talks about how they were mistreated on earth, during the Salem witch trials

This guy talks about how they were mistreated on earth, during the Salem witch trials. Sure, why not at this point.

So they put the crew on trial to prove that humans aren't mean anymore

So they put the crew on trial to determine if humans aren’t mean anymore.

They end up letting the Enterprise crew go, but they punish this guy, whose other name is Lucifer

They end up letting the Enterprise crew go, but they punish this guy, whose other name is…. wait for it… LUCIFER.

Kirk tries to use magic to save Lucifer

Kirk tries to use magic to save Lucifer.

Magic fight!

Magic fight!

But that was just a test to see if they'd stick up for him, so they're all friends now

But that was just a test to see if they’d stick up for them, so they’re all friends now.

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