[VOY] Season 4, Episode 7: Scientific MethodRating: 3
Kind of reminds me of that episode of TNG with the giant face. In fact, it’s pretty similar to a lot of previous Trek. The main weakness, other than a lot of time spent on some tepid Paris/B’Elana scenes, is that there isn’t really a twist on what we’d expect, and it isn’t written or filmed so well that it’s a great example of this type of story. Still, “Scientific Method” is pretty good for Voyager, and even though the concept is familiar, it’s one we like.
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Seven’s gettin chewed out. It’s good for them to continue her transition with small parts like this.

Paris and B’Elana make out but someone is watching their brains. What do you think, is this better or worse than a regular view of them kissing? Hard to call.

The episode moves at a pretty slow pace until B’Elana and the Doctor try to fix what’s going on. Someone takes them out!

The Doctor hides himself in a holodeck and contacts Seven. I guess the Doctor wanted to just play along with the holodeck too. Might as well I guess.

He makes an adjustment to Seven’s eyes so she can see invisible things. At this point in Voyager, you know an episode is about to get better when it comes time for Seven to save everyone.

Janeway wasn’t bluffing, and they weren’t able to pull out in time, but they just happened to survive.
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