[DS9] Season 4, Episode 8: Little Green MenRating: 3
‘Little Green Men’ has a pretty fun concept that it mostly delivers on. The budgetary restraints are particularly felt. Most of the 1947 scenes take place in one small room, for instance. I like that the writers found a way to add a wrinkle to Nog leaving for Starfleet Academy. I also realized that I’m a lot more tolerant of Ferengi silliness when the Nagus and Moogie aren’t involved.
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Quark gets his own ship. He decides to take Nog to Earth to start Starfleet training, and also transport some contraband of course…

Their universal translators aren’t working at first. Is this one of the first indications of where on a person’s body a universal translator is located?

Everyone smokes a lot. Quark thinks he could take advantage of people in this time period, ’cause they like to buy ‘poison’ and they’re kinda greedy.

Some humans are suspicious about what Quark is really up to. I like that the general has a moment of realizing that Quark is basically a used car salesman. The main problem with this episode is that the military jumps straight to “invasion!” when they all seem to know that isn’t really the case.

But some other humans, including Larry Sanders’ wife, help free them. I think we’re supposed to believe the other humans were in the wrong… but Quark really WAS up to something…

There happens to be an atomic bomb test going on right when they escape, which provides them a way home. All they have to do is fly directly into the atomic blast and expose the kemocite to the beta radiation, and it will cause a reverse time warp, but you already knew that.
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