[TNG] Season 4, Episode 6: LegacyRating: 2
This isn’t really a bad episode, especially for Data, but it’s not quite good enough get our recommendation. A lot of time is spent on a deception that’s pretty easy to see through. The background information about Yar is kind of interesting also, but really Data’s story arc is the reason to watch.
Read more at Memory Alpha

Two federation people are captured on Yar’s home world and the Enterprise crew is trying to get them back. Riker runs into a gang that hates the people that took the federation folks.

She didn’t really like Tasha. She thought Tasha abandoned her people, but hanging out on Enterprise, she starts to think Tasha made the right choice to leave. She even becomes best buds with Data. We in the audience know with absolute certainty that this will end well and Tasha’s sister is being totally honest.

Data has a cool confrontation with her, and stops her from shutting down these people’s defenses, which would allow her group to take them over.
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