[TAS] Season 1, Episode 6: The Survivor
Rating: WATCH (For The Animated Series we use a simpler Watch or Skip rating)
I like being reminded every now and then of the tensions between the Romulans and Federation.
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Enterprise was patrolling near the neutral zone and they find a long lost philanthropist

His fiancee happened to be a member of the Enterprise crew

He says he can’t ever marry her, and he can’t really explain why either

But it’s because he’s secretly a shape-shifting alien!

He puts Kirk to sleep and takes his form

Then he orders Enterprise to enter the neutral zone, even though it’s against the rules

The alien didn’t think too far ahead. The real Kirk wakes up only a short time after and wonders why they’re in the neutral zone

He puts Bones to sleep and turns into him

Kirk and Spock suspect something because Bones admits that he can make a mistake

Kirk realizes that there’s an extra bed in the room so he starts to lecture it

When he threatens it with mustard it changes back to the alien

The Romulans catch them. The penalty for crossing the neutral zone is having to give up your ship

A cat lady!

The alien messed up their shields

Kirk calls out the Romulans for their scheme to get Enterprise to break the treaty. Kirk says they used a Vendorian, which is against the treaty. That’s a very specific treaty.

The shots of the ship taking fire don’t have the cat lady

The alien turns into a deflector shield for Enterprise because he realizes the Enterprise crew is pretty cool
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