[ENT] Cold Station 12

[ENT] Season 4, Episode 5: Cold Station 12 cold station 12Rating: 3

Read more at Memory Alpha

This episode continues the fun, even though the villain gets even more over the top. Brent Spiner’s character is still interesting, and is the main reason for this episode getting a 3 from us.


Enterprise checks out the place where Soong raised the augments to see if they can find any clues

Enterprise checks out the place where Soong raised the augments to see if they can find any clues

They find one

They find one

This kid was left behind because his genetic modifications didn't work, and he's like a normal human

This kid was left behind because his genetic modifications didn’t work, and he’s like a normal human

The shirt this lady wears to bed has a lot less holes in it than her regular shirt

The shirt this lady wears to bed has a lot less holes in it than her regular shirt. She should promote this shirt to be her main shirt.

The augments commandeer a Denobulan ship

The augments commandeer a Denobulan ship

They use it to get on Cold Station 12, the place that has all the embryos left over from the Eugenics War

They use it to get on Cold Station 12, the place that has all the embryos left over from the Eugenics War

Everyone poses nicely for their hostage scene

Everyone poses nicely for their hostage photo

We start to see Malik and Soong split ways on how far they're willing to hurt people to get what they want.

We see Malik and Soong start to split ways on how much they’re willing to hurt people to get what they want.

Soong goes along with Malik's torture idea, but when Soong tells Malik to stop, Malik lets the guy die

Soong goes along with Malik’s torture idea, but when Soong tells Malik to stop, Malik lets the guy die

Archer and a team try to be sneaky, but they get captured

Archer and a team try to be sneaky, but they get captured

Malik takes over and gets the passcodes they need

Malik takes over and gets the passcodes they need

They get the embryos!

They get the embryos!

Archer tries to make a move. It doesn't work out so well

Archer tries to make a move. It doesn’t work out so well

Before the augments leave, Malik initiates a bunch of diseases to be released in the station. He kills his old friend so he doesn't have to die in a more painful way

Before the augments leave, Malik initiates a bunch of diseases to be released in the station. He kills his old friend so he doesn’t have to die in a more painful way


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