[VOY] Season 4, Episode 5: Revulsion
Rating: 2
I think the character examined in this episode is interesting and the guest star does a good job. What brings this episode down a bit is how drawn out the main story-line feels, and the excruciating scenes involving Harry Kim having a crush on Seven of Nine.
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Tuvok gets promoted to Lt. Commander! Bout time!

Seven and Kim work on a new astrometrics lab

Voyager answers a distress call from a creepy hologram

The hologram gets crazier. He really doesn’t like “organics”

He made a hologram fish though. That’s cool

Paris goes back to being the nurse

B’Elanna checks the lower decks and finds the dead crew

B’Elanna manages to turn off the holographic projectors

But not all the projectors!

So there’s another final showdown

Every scene with Kim is awkward and painful
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