[TAS] The Lorelei Signal

[TAS] Season 1, Episode 4: The Lorelei SignalloreleiRating: WATCH (For The Animated Series we use a simpler Watch or Skip rating)

This one is REALLY silly, so we like it.

Read more at Memory Alpha



All the men on Enterprise start hearing and seeing things

All the men on Enterprise start hearing and seeing things

They're drawn to a planet full of ladies

They’re drawn to a planet full of ladies

They open doors by making a ridiculous sound

They open doors by making a ridiculous sound

They do some cool tricks

This is pretty cool

Then the landing party starts to get woozy

Then the landing party starts to get woozy

When they wake up, they're old

When they wake up, they’re old

They try to escape but it doesn't work. "Obstruct them!"

They try to escape but it doesn’t work. “Obstruct them!”

Back on Enterprise, Scotty's gone all weird along with all the other guys

Back on Enterprise, Scotty’s gone all weird along with all the other guys

So Uhura takes command

So Uhura takes command

Kirk, Spock and Bones escape by hiding in a huge urn

Kirk, Spock and Bones escape by hiding in a huge urn

Uhura and Chapel lead a rescue party. Hey Chapel is wearing red

Uhura and Chapel lead a rescue party. Hey Chapel is wearing red

Oh, no I guess she's still wearing blue

Oh, no I guess she’s still wearing blue

Or...blue with one red sleeve? How does this happen so much?

Or…blue with one red sleeve? How does this happen?



It starts to rain and the urn starts filling with water! Yeah! Now this episode has some serious urgency!

It starts to rain and the urn starts filling with water! They could drown! Now this episode has some serious urgency!

Apparently they could've just asked their computer where Kirk and company were?

Apparently they could’ve just asked their computer where Kirk and company were?

They do something with the transporter and they aren't as old anymore

They do something with the transporter and they aren’t old anymore

They agree to send all the ladies to a planet where they can finally die

They agree to send all the ladies to a planet where they can finally die


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