[DS9] Season 4, Episode 4: Hippocratic Oath
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This episode is another interesting look into the Jem-Hadar. It’s weird how we keep meeting Jem-Hadar who are abnormal, but they are still used to explain the norm, so it works. There’s also a sub-plot about Worf and Odo butting heads about security, which makes sense as a topic.

Worf doesn’t think Odo is doing a great job because he doesn’t arrest Quark when he’s suspected of doing illegal activity.

These Jem-Hadar aren’t with the Dominion. Their leader isn’t addicted to ketracel-white and he wants Bashir to figure out how to free his buddies from the addiction. He thinks it has something to do with this planet.

They’re running out of ketracel-white, so Bashir has to act fast. Some of the Jem-Hadar are getting real bad tummy aches.

But Odo was planning a super secret sting operation to get the top dogs. Worf ruined it. Odo says he didn’t tell Worf because word might get out…but he probably could’ve just told Worf… Even at first impression Worf doesn’t really seem like a blabber mouth.

O’Brien comes back to get Bashir, but Bashir wont leave without helping the Jem’Hadar. So O’Brien blows up his research!
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