[VOY] Season 3, Episode 26: Scorpion: Part 1
It’s nice that the writers are trying to up the stakes, but they do it in the laziest way possible and it actually ended up bothering me. The newly introduced villain’s (Species 8472) only quality is that they’re even tougher than The Borg. This is treated like a huge deal, until the crew of Voyager immediately figures out how to defeat them.
Remember how TNG introduced the Borg? Only the intervention of Q saves them the first time, and when they show up the second time The Borg assimilate Picard and generally wreak an incredible amount of havoc before the Federation is able to rally. That’s how you introduce a scary villain.
Read more at Memory Alpha

In the intro of the episode we see that something (species 8472) easily takes out a couple Borg cubes.

The Borg are avoiding an area of space for some reason and Voyager thinks they can travel through there.

Chakotay kind of asks Janeway on a date… “According to my calculations neither us have eaten dinner”

The super powerful scary evil aliens that eat up the Borg without a problem are so terrible how will Voyager ever survive never mind they already figured out how to beat them. It only took them about 12 minutes of show time after they saw them for the first time.

The Borg had been avoiding that passage of space because of species 8472. Kes can hear them. The bad alien’s motives so far seem to be that they just want to kill weak things.

Janeway makes her proposal to the Borg. They’ll work on the counter to species 8472 together and Voyager gets safe passage through their space.

But Species 8472 attacks and if 9 of them get together they can make a beam that destroys a planet. Why not.
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