[TOS] Season 3, Episode 24: Turnabout Intruder
This episode dumb. And it’s the last one. Dang. It might’ve even received a 1 from us but was saved because Shatner makes some great faces.
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But then she has a remote control that makes him freeze. A device like that would probably come in handy for her later, but we’ll never see it again.

Apparently Janice is really jealous of Kirk because Starfleet doesn’t admit women as captains. Thankfully this is retconned in later Trek material. What’s with some of these Starfleet rules? No female captains? The death penalty for entering a restricted area?

Then Janice tries to kill Kirk.
“Believe me, it’s better to be dead than to live alone in the body of a woman.”
Alone? Who else would be in there with him?

Spock talks with Kirk. She is able to tell him about old missions, but Spock says those things are public knowledge. Well, then ask about more secret knowledge. Ask about this morning. And I thought the competing theory was that Janice was crazy…would she really look up all that information if she was just crazy?

They hold a little trial. It should’ve been pretty easy to figure out who has Kirk’s knowledge. It’s sad when this type of situation was handled better in a Get Smart episode.

Spock says what I think every time people in Star Trek act baffled by strange things: that they see all kinds of crazy stuff all the time.

Kirk starts to return to his body for a second. At first it seemed like it had something to do with Spock touching her neck, but it happens later when Spock isn’t doing anything. I guess he just wanted to touch her neck.