[TOS] The Savage Curtain

[TOS] Season 3, Episode 22: The Savage Curtain

The Savage CurtainRating: 3

Kirk teams up with Abraham Lincoln. What more do you need to know?

Read more at Memory Alpha


Well, there's Lincoln, sittin around in space, naturally in the exact pose as the Lincoln memorial

Well, there’s Lincoln, sittin around in space. (naturally in the exact pose as the Lincoln memorial)

Kirk wants everyone in dress uniforms, because even though he's obviously not the real Lincoln, he thinks he is. Yeah, but he probably doesn't even know those are your special uniforms

Kirk wants everyone in dress uniforms, because even though he’s obviously not the real Lincoln, he thinks he is. Yeah, but he probably doesn’t even know those are your special uniforms

They even play him a recording of a fanfare

They even play him a recording of a fanfare

Lincoln wants Kirk and Spock to beam down to the planet with him. Everyone thinks this is a bad idea except Kirk. He wants to hang out with Lincoln

Lincoln wants Kirk and Spock to beam down to the planet with him. Everyone thinks this is a bad idea except Kirk. He wants to hang out with Lincoln

They go down to the planet and meet Surok, the Vulcan philosopher

They go down to the planet and meet Surak, the Vulcan philosopher.
“I am pleased to see that we have differences. May we together become greater than the sum of both of us.”

Then a rock monster shows up!

Then a rock monster shows up!

He also invited some famous villains from history: Genghis Khan, Col. Green, a lady named Zora, and Kahless

He also invited some famous villains from history: Genghis Khan, Col. Green, a lady named Zora, and Kahless

The rock monster wants to see the difference in philosophy between what they consider good and evil, so obviously a fight to the death is the only way to settle things

The rock monster wants to see the difference in philosophy between what they consider good and evil, so obviously a fight to the death is the only way to clear that up

Kirk realizes that his team sucks, and he says him and Spock refuse to participate in this thing

Kirk realizes that his team sucks, and he says him and Spock refuse to participate in this thing

Col. Green tries to negotiate with Kirk

Col. Green tries to negotiate with Kirk

But it was just a trick!

But it was just a trick!

The rock monster felt like Kirk needed some more motivation, so he'll have Enterprise blow up in 4 hours if they don't win by then

The rock monster felt like Kirk needed some more motivation, so he’ll have Enterprise blown up in 4 hours if they don’t win by then

Surak says he's not going to fight cause he's a pacifist. He's gonna go try to make friends, even though it probably won't work

Surak says he’s not going to fight cause he’s a pacifist. He’s gonna go try to make friends, even though it probably won’t work

A little later they hear cries for help. Spock knows Vulcans don't do that, and it's just a trick

A little later they hear cries for help. Spock knows Vulcans don’t do that, and it’s just a trick

Lincoln says he'll sneak around the back and try to rescue Surak, while Spock and Kirk throw stuff at them from the front

Lincoln says he’ll sneak around the back and try to rescue Surak, while Spock and Kirk throw stuff at them from the front

But Surak was already dead, and they get Lincoln too

But Surak was already dead, and they get Lincoln too

But then Kirk and Spock manage to beat up and chase away all four of them.

But then Kirk and Spock manage to beat up and chase away all four of them.

The rock monster complains that both "good" and "evil" used the same methods. Not really. I know Lincoln gave a speech about doing whatever is necessary, but what they actually did was totally different. The evil side used trickery and no mercy, while the good guys would risk there lives for the sake of peace, or for the sake of their friends.

The rock monster complains that both “good” and “evil” used the same methods. Not really. I know Lincoln gave a speech about doing whatever is necessary, but what they actually did was totally different. The evil side used trickery and no mercy, while the good guys would risk there lives for the sake of peace, or for the sake of their friends. Kirk says this test was stupid, and really the main difference was established from the beginning, in that the villains were offered power if they won, while the good guys were offered the safety of their friends


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