[TNG] The Most Toys

[TNG] Season 3, Episode 22: The Most Toys

The Most ToysRating: 3

The Most Toys feels a lot like an original series episode. The broad strokes of the plot are pretty familiar, but the reason we like “The Most Toys” if for how it showcases Data. The way Data reacts to captivity is handled really well, and the end provides an intriguing glimpse into the nuances of his character.

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People steal Data!

People steal Data!

They make Enterprise think that Data blew up while transporting unstable material

They make Enterprise think that Data blew up while transporting unstable material.

This guy collects extremely rare and valuable things, like this weird sock puppet. Data is now part of his collection

This guy collects extremely rare and valuable things, like this weird sock puppet. Data is now part of his collection.

Wesley and Geordi are sad

Wesley and Geordi are sad.

Data starts to get through to one of his captors

Data starts to get through to one of his captors.

Geordi doesn't like how some things aren't adding up regarding Data's death

Geordi doesn’t like how some things aren’t adding up regarding Data’s death.

The really wants Data to wear different clothes, but Data refuses, so he throws some kind of acid on Data that will burn up the uniform

The guy really wants Data to wear different clothes, but Data refuses, so he throws some kind of acid on Data that will burn up the uniform.

He brings a friend to see Data because he wants to show off.

He brings a friend to see Data because he wants to show off. The friend has metal all over his face. I think it’s to race micro machines

Data doesn't move or show any reaction. It makes the guy look like an idiot

Data doesn’t move or show any reaction. It makes the guy look like an idiot.

Enterprise delivers the unstable material in order to stop a contamination. They find evidence that the contamination was artificially created

Enterprise delivers the unstable material in order to stop a contamination. They find evidence that the contamination was artificially created.

That lady wants to escape with Data

That lady wants to escape with Data.

They make their way to a shuttle

They make their way to a shuttle.

The guy catches them

The guy catches them.

He shoots the lady!

He shoots the lady with his super painful gun!

Data manages to get the gun. The guy knows Data won't shoot him though

Data manages to get the gun. The guy knows Data won’t shoot him though.

But then Data was going to shoot him! Enterprise beams him away right in time

But then Data was going to shoot him! Enterprise beams him away right in time.

I think Data even lies about firing the weapon

Then Data lies about firing the weapon!


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