[ENT] Season 3, Episode 19: Damage
This episode does a very convincing job of portraying the difficult situation Enterprise is in. I like morally interesting situations, and this episode does a good job, even if the set-up is a little too neat. This is also another important step in the ongoing character arc for Archer that’s been happening this season. There is a lot of business about T’Pol which almost lowers the episode down to a 3, although it’s necessary explanation for how she’s been acting.
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The warp drive gets wrecked in the fight with the Xindi. It can’t be fixed unless they get a working warp coil

Enterprise answers a distress signal from another ship. They’ve taken a beating from anomalies. Archer says he can give them the cure if they give him a warp coil. They say no. It would mean their return trip home would take three years.

T’Pol is starting to lose it. She keeps freaking out while working and she has a dream that she’s a zombie.

The friendlier Xindi gave Archer a secret message saying to meet up with them in 3 days, but there’s no way they’ll make it in time without a warp coil.

Degra and company call upon a sphere builder to ask some questions. Her answers inch Degra further in the right direction.

T’Pol goes to Phlox for help. She’s addicted to the drugs. It’s why she’s been acting not very Vulcan-like.

There’s a shield around the warp coil so things take longer than they expected. The fire fight starts to get uglier.

At first they were being careful not to damage the alien ship too much, because they didn’t want their trip home to be any harder, but Enterprise starts to take too much damage.
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