[VOY] Season 3, Episode 20: Favorite Son
There isn’t anything particularly painful about “Favorite Son”. The plot is very similar to many, many previous episodes of The Next Generation. Like a lot of Voyager, there’s a strong sense of apathy from all involved. Plus, TNG had characters worth following, and here all we’ve got is Harry Kim. He isn’t insufferable in this episode, but he is awfully bland.
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After the battle Janeway’s curious about why Kim fired on them. He says he just somehow knew that they were gonna fire on Voyager.

They go to a planet full of ladies that have spots just like Kim. They say Kim is really one of their species. They say he was taken to earth but implanted with instincts to return home. This is probably the truth.

Kim decides to stick around and goes to a weird polygamist wedding involving the only other guy he’s seen on the planet.

They cut off communications and put up a barrier around the planet so Kim can’t get back to Voyager.

Harry says he wishes he could be bold with women, like Paris. Paris says he wishes he could be like Harry. It doesn’t make much difference, guys. You’re both dorks.
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