[DS9] Season 3, Episode 17: Visionary
Rating: 2
This is an episode that is edging on a 3 rating, but sticking at a 2 for now. I like the Romulan involvement in the episode, there’s decent enough mystery, and generally I like crazy time stuff. The episode ends up feeling a little too drawn out, and having too many convenient turns.
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The Romulans come to the station. They want the intel Starfleet promised in exchange for the cloaking device on the Defiant

O’Brien sees a vision of himself talking to Quark, and then in a few hours he has the conversation with Quark. He’s seeing into the future!

His next vision is of him dying. Uh oh. Now he’ll be able to avoid it though. It’s good luck that this radiation thing happened to him on the day that he would’ve died otherwise

He doesn’t have enough information, so he decides to purposely increase the radiation to force another time jump.
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