[TOS] Season 3, Episode 17: That Which Survives
Rating: 2
That Which Survives kind of putters around for most of run time, but the ending works pretty well, which is kind of the reverse for this type of episode. Most of That Which Survives is a lady repeatedly showing up and touching someone.
Read more at Memory Alpha
Before Kirk beams down to a planet a lady shows up and warns them not to go.
They even felt the earthquake on the ship. Everyone falls right out of their chairs.
Everything on this planet is poison
Scotty says the ship doesn’t feel right
The lady keeps showing up and killing people.
She can’t be stopped!
When she says she’s “for Sulu” her touch doesn’t kill Kirk. hmmm
Enterprise was flung really far away and now it’s gonna blow up
But then Scotty does something in the nick of time!
They find their way to the super cube computer that’s controlling this place. This lady is it’s defense system
But then they’re saved by some guy!
They left a video message explaining what happened
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