[TNG] Season 3, Episode 16: The Offspring
This episode goes over some of the themes we’ve seen before with Data, and uses the story to overload us with fish-out-of-water android business. I was never very amused with that sort of thing with Data, and it’s less watchable with the new character. It starts to get pretty good near the end though, bringing it to a 3.
Update: we previously rated this episode a 2, but people can change ok
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Data tells her “They were laughing at you, not with you. They are afraid of you because you’re different.” No, they’re laughing at her because she’s a huge dork. Not because they’re afraid of her

They re-hash some of the themes from “Measure of a Man” only it’s not as good. This guy wants to take Lal. It’s never effectively explained why this guy wants her so bad, or why it’s so impossible to study and train Lal on board Enterprise

The mean Starfleet guy comes aboard Enterprise and argues with Picard. It’s always a positive for an episode when Picard argues

But ultimately he can’t save her. Lal tells Data that she loves him, and Data says he doesn’t feel love, sorry. Aww, how sweet
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