[VOY] Season 3, Episode 4: The Swarm
Rating: 2
At first this episode presents a villain that seems like a real threat, but the basis of the decisions and how the actions play out kind of take away any stakes the episode could have. The episode also deals with limitations to the EMH’s program, and how he wasn’t meant to be used so much. I like the theme alright, but there isn’t enough to bring it to a 3 for us.
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Going around could add more than 15 months to their journey. Janeway decides to go through their space. When I play Oregon Trail I always value survival over making good time

And when Tuvok points out that violating their space is against federation rules, Janeways gives the “we’re far away from federation space” line, and blows it off.

They boot up the diagnostic program to help fix the EMH. They messed up his hair as much as they possibly could, which wasn’t that much

This reminds Janeway of the times she would sneak past her parents. Janeway, this is serious! People could die!

Things get worse with the Doctor. They might have to reset him, making it so he loses his memory from the last two years

They think they fix the Doctor, but then he can’t remember anything. But then he starts singing! That means he’s starting to remember things!
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