[DS9] Season 3, Episode 4: Equilibrium
Rating: 2
It’s yet another episode dissecting the Dax character, and in this case Trill society in general. It’s a little dull.
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For the teaser Dax says none of her hosts were any good with music, but then she plays a song on Jake’s keyboard. So she’s modest, that’s not much of a teaser

Sisko and Bashir take Dax to the Trill home world. I think they could’ve just used a runabout rather than put a whole crew to work operating the Defiant

With some more investigating, and the help of this old man, Sisko and Bashir figure out that Dax was joined with a murderer

They confront a lady in charge. She tried to keep that host a secret because it reveals that about half of Trills are able to join with a symbiont, not the 1 in 1,000 figure they tell people.
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